February 14 – 20, 2021 is Family Violence Prevention Week 

Download a quick guide of services available on Prince Edward Island.

The following videos were produced on PEI to educate Islanders what they can do when they witness different types of abuse. 

Take the time to educate yourself on how you can, and should, respond when you witness any form of Family Violence or Abuse.

Make It Your Business… When you witness family violence (Video 1) – YouTubeIn the first video in the Make It Your Business series, violence prevention advocate Erin Casey introduces some key messages about family violence and invite…www.youtube.com
Make It Your Business… When you witness child abuse (Video 2) – YouTubeIn this video about child abuse, we will witness a situation that may be familiar to some people: a parent losing patience with and threatening a child in pu…www.youtube.com
Make It Your Business… When you hear abusive language (Video 3) – YouTubeIn the video about abusive language, we will observe a man using verbally abusive language in a public place towards a woman he appears to be in a relationsh…www.youtube.com
Make It Your Business… When you witness abuse of an older adult (Video 4) – YouTubeIn this video, we will see a young woman possibly financially abusing an older adult: her grandfather. Abuse of an older adult is sometimes called elder abus…www.youtube.com
Make It Your Business… When you witness sexual assault (Video 5) – YouTubeIn this video, we will see a woman being intimidated, harassed, and possibly sexually assaulted by a man. Even though the man’s actions might not seem all th…www.youtube.com